Tintumon is an imaginary character created and developed by Malayalees around the world and is living in Simple Text Messages (SMS). Now he is a Hero in the world of Malayalam Jokes and SMS's. Enjoy Tintumon Jokes and SMS's here.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Love Marriage or Arranged Marriage

Teacher : Which one you like, love marriage or arranged marriage?
Tintumon : Love marriage.
Teahcher : Why?
Tintumon : A known Devil is better than an unknown Ghost.!

How do you do?

An English man and Tintumon met while going to the toilet.
English Man : Good morning, how do you do?
Tintumon : Usually we remove the underwear and then do, how do you do?


Father to Tintumon : Why can you not think every girl as your sister?
Tintumon : I can, but if i did so, what will people think of you?

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Veedinte Vilakku

Sandhya aayappol Tintumon theepettiyumay Tuttumolude adutheeku...
Tuttumol :.Amme, they ee Tintumon enne kathiykkan varunnu.
Amma : Eda, neeyente kayyeennu medikkum.
Tintumon : Ammayalle kurachu nerathe paranjathu, ivalaanu ee veedinte vilakkennu...!