Tintumon is an imaginary character created and developed by Malayalees around the world and is living in Simple Text Messages (SMS). Now he is a Hero in the world of Malayalam Jokes and SMS's. Enjoy Tintumon Jokes and SMS's here.

Friday, August 6, 2010

English Grammer

Tintumon : Can I go to the toilet?
English Teacher : Tintumon, "MAY I" go to the toilet?
Tintumon : But I asked first!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tintumon Rhymes

A for Apple
B for Big Apple
C for Cheriya Apple
D for Dunduvinte Apple
E for Ente Swantham Apple
F for First Paranjille Aaa Apple


Teacher : Kanjikal ennu paranjal aara?
Tintumon :100 msg ayachittum 1 reply polum cheyatha aal.
Teacher : Very good, oru example para.
Tintumon : "Saarinte Mol.".


Classil urangunna Tintumonodu Teacher : Ooshmav alakkunna upakaranam etha...?
Tintumon : Chattukam.
Teacher : Njan entha chodichath?
Tintumon : Uppumav ilakkunna upakaranamalle teacher...?