Tintumon is an imaginary character created and developed by Malayalees around the world and is living in Simple Text Messages (SMS). Now he is a Hero in the world of Malayalam Jokes and SMS's. Enjoy Tintumon Jokes and SMS's here.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Tintumon Kulathil

Kulathil veena Tintumone aaro rakshichu.
Ayalodu Tintumon : Edo..., Thanano enne rakshichadhu...?
Ayal : Adhe.
Tintumon : Engil parayado koppe, ente oru cherippevide?...!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Message Sending Failed

Tuttumon : Nale Class Test und ennu paranju tuition teacher message ayachittund, enthu cheyyanam?
Tintumon : "Message sending failed" ennu thirichu ayachekk...!

Father's Name

Teacher : What is your father's name?
Tuttumon : T.V. Krishnan
Dundumon : A.C. Abraham
Tintumon : Fridge Sasi
                (ini njanayittu kurakkunnilla)

Food and Accommodation

Teacher : Food ennal Bhakshanam, Accommodation ennal Thamasam. Enkil Food and Accomodation ennal enthanartham..??
Tintumon : Bhakshanam Thamasikkum...!!!